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Spartan Allstars Camp on the go



The pool will be reserved for the oldest groups during our busier weeks at Camp during June. In June, we anticipate that most kids 9+ will have pool time with a chance that older 8 year olds may be able to participate as well. However, later in July, there is a chance that most groups will get pool time. No one is guaranteed a swim block or required to swim if they have swim on their schedule. Depending on the week, your child might be included in swim one week but not in another. However, there will either a swim block or water games for every group daily each afternoon.


The sports offerings will differ each week depending on enrollment and facility and coach availability... please check schedules. We will update them as we receive facility and activity information.



Morning and Full Day campers may be dropped off between 8:00-8:30am at the La Canada High School Outdoor Basketball Courts on Oak Grove Drive. We will have a carline drop off system. Please follow all staff member instructions. Camp begins promptly at 8:40am. Parent and guardians must sign their children in with a Spartan Allstars Camp staff member.


MORNING PICK UP (K & 1st Grade Groups):

Pick up will be in front of the La Canada High School Outdoor Basketball Courts. Morning pick up is between 12:20-12:30pm. Please park and then sign your child out with one of the staff members.​



Afternoon pick up is between 4:30-5:00pm at one of the LCHS gyms or cafeteria. (Parents will be emailed which location before Camp Starts.) Campers picked up after 5pm will be charged $20.  After 5:30pm, the fee will increase to $50. The late fees must be paid before the camper will be admitted the next day. Aftercare is not available.



No early pick ups after 4pm as we prepare to close up camp and move to the front of the school for general pick up. To schedule an Early Pick Up, please send a PROCARE message at least 2 hours before your needed pick up. Include campers name, group, and time. Early Pick ups will be at the 7/8 Turnaround. The entrance to the 7/8 Turnaround is on Foothill Blvd between the St Francis Football Field and the CEC.



Spartan Allstars is committed to keeping parents in the camp loop!  We have partnered with PROCARE to provide a detailed check in and out system in addition to parent communication tools.



Although we encourage Campers to meet and make new friends, but we understand the benefits of already having a familiar face welcome you when you arrive. Parents will be emailed a form to complete a week prior to each week enrolled. Campers can request ONE friend each week. To guarantee same grouping, that friend must also request your camper and birthdates must be within a year of each other. No exceptions. 



The week before your session, we will send out a Friend Request Form. This is to ensure all the Campers are in fact attending that session and haven't had any change of plans since registration. You must submit the Friend Request for us to honor it.

1) Only ONE Friend Request will be honored.  Filling out a second form or line doesn't work.
2) Spelling Counts!  We copy and paste using the "Find" function, if we can find a name.... what can we do??
3) Requested Campers must be within one year of each other for safety reasons during play.
4) No Friend Chains, they'll be ignored. 1 Friend = 1 Friend


Note: Twins may not be grouped together (please submit a friend request if you'd like them together.)


Each group has a set number of campers with no wiggle room. There are NO GROUP CHANGES. If your child shows up the first day and sees someone that they didn't know was coming and that friend is in a different group... there is nothing we can do. Please help your child understand this before Camp starts! 



Campers must wear comfortable, loose clothing that will allow for rigorous physical movement. All campers must wear closed toed athletic shoes and socks. All clothing must be free of profanity, advertisements for alcohol or illegal substances and generally in good taste.  No midriffs or cut offs please. Sandals and /or flip-flops are only permitted on the pool deck. Please, no skirts or dresses.



Camp provides all the basic sporting equipment. We do not recommend bringing your own equipment or personal items. Camp will not be liable for anything that is lost, stolen, or damaged. Campers should bring a backpack with their lunch, sunscreen and swim gear (if needed.)



There is a 20 minute break each morning and afternoon. Students must bring a sack lunch with them every day. Staff cannot purchase food for campers. There are no microwaves or refrigerators. Campers are strongly encouraged to bring a disposable water bottle as water bottles are the most commonly "lost item." Items do get lost, so be mindful when sending expensive items.



Campers may bring any medication to the camp with a written note from their parent and or legal guardian (including Tylenol or Aspirin).  All medication (prescription, epipens, non-prescription, etc) must be in its original packaging.  The group leader will carry it in their backpack or in the office if temp sensitive.  It is understood that campers and not the staff are required to remember when they need to take their medication.  It is understood that severe allergies or other medical conditions must be fully disclosed BEFORE the child will be accepted into the program.  We do have a Camp Nurse on duty at all times.



Please send your Camper with a lunch, plenty of snacks, a (disposable) water bottle, and SPRAY sunscreen.  SPRAY sunscreen is preferred for quick and easy application. Camp Store Cards are available for purchase for Snacks and special frozen treat days. The Camp provides all athletic equipment, please do not bring your own as it could be lost or stolen.



Spartan Allstars primarily uses camper photos for the end of camp slide show which is posted on the website.  Photos may also be posted on the website or on marketing materials. If you do not want your child photographed, please email us at With so many Campers and some more camera shy than others, we cannot guarantee that your child will be photographed!



The students will be dismissed one at a time to use the bathroom for safety reasons.



It is understood that campers are to behave in a polite and respectful manner towards other Campers and Staff while at the Spartan Allstars Sports Camp. When at Camp, the Campers must listen and follow Staff instructions. It is understood that the parents will remind their children of the correct way to behave while in camp. If, at any time, a parent can no longer support the policies of the camp they are encouraged to withdraw their child. Profanity, verbal disrespect, name calling, running away, bullying, taunting, or fighting, etc are not tolerated with varying levels of consequences based on circumstances. Campers who repeatedly violate the rules and guidelines or commit an egregious offense will be expelled without a refund. It is vital that all Campers feel safe at Camp. Parents may not upbraid, insult or otherwise abuse staff and/or other campers.

Please help us maintain a SCREEN FREE ZONE! Do NOT to send cell phones, gaming systems, electronic devices, or sports equipment which might become damaged, lost or stolen. Students are not allowed to bring any kind of lighters, explosives or weapons to the camp (this includes Swiss army knives, etc.) It is understood that the Spartan Allstars Sports Day Camp, its staff and subsidiaries, La Canada High School and its staff and the City of La Canada are NOT responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen items which the students may elect to bring with them to the Spartan Allstars Sports Day Camp.



We vehemently DISCOURAGE Campers having Cell Phones. We have had too many negative experiences. This has nothing to do with us not wanted parents and children to be in contact with each other but everything to do with what content Campers can share/show each other and how it prevents Campers from engaging in Camp activities. Campers can come to the Office if they need to reach a parent and vice versa.


Spartan Allstars hosts a Camp Store that sells healthier snack alternatives during breaks (Gatorade, granola bars, Sun Chips, fruit bars, popsicles, etc.). Camp Store is not intended to replace lunch. On Tuesdays and Fridays, we will offer a variety of Mini Melts® (like Dippin' Dots) at Rest Hour. Parents can purchase a "Camp Store Card" for their Camper(s) during the Registration process or online at any time. Parents may also send their Campers with cash, but Camp is not responsible if it is lost or stolen. Parents can ask staff to place a spending limit per day on their Camp Store Card, please email us at to add a limit. Cards cannot be redeemed for cash and are not transferable... so use them up!



Camp has a $100 non-refundable deposit per camper per week. There are no make-up days. You may transfer between 2025 dates at no charge.

We have a sliding scale for Spartan Allstars cash refunds or credit given based on the original week registered. If the enrolled program was a result of a previous transfer, the earliest program’s start date is used in this calculation. 


For Cash Refunds:

14+ days before start date = Fee minus $100 non-refundable depot

0-13 days= 50% of Fee

For Credit Refunds (Valid for 24 months)
14+ days before start date = 100% credit
0-13 days = 75% credit


If camp is canceled due to circumstances beyond the Camp's control (facility issues, pandemic, natural disasters, etc), 100% Spartan Allstars Credit, valid for 24 months, will automatically be issued.


Is there a medical exception?

Yes. If the medical situation is supported by a written and signed acknowledgement from a licensed medical practitioner, we will extend Spartan Allstars credit on your account, prorated from the date we receive the medical acknowledgment. Please note this is a credit, not a refund, which expires 24 months from the original program’s start date. The credit may be applied toward future Spartan Allstars Camps.



Camp is a socially interactive and physically active experience.  If you are unsure if your child meets this criteria, has an IEP or 504, or takes medication please contact us.  By signing this doc, you are telling us your camper is fully fit to participate with no accommodations.  Please contact us if your child requires medication.​



Each group has two counselors per 13-17 Campers. Each activity has at least one staff member assigned, sometimes two. So ratios average between 1:4 and 1:8 depending on the type of activity.



Counselors, Staff and Coaches are carefully interviewed and vetted to ensure they'll be a good fit for My City Allstars. All Staff will receive a Staff Manual and attend training meetings. Depending on the age and role of the Staff member, they might need a background check, special certifications, or CPR and First Aid training.



Chances are, yes, but check with your employer’s HR representative to make sure. Day camps are usually reimbursable under your Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account for kids up to 13 years old. You’ll need our Tax ID number (also called a Federal EIN number) which is: 46-2744553. Login to your ActivityHero account to find receipts/forms you'll need to submit for reimbursement.​

My City Allstars

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